Your Data Stay Yours

Social networks give free access to their services in exchange for the right to exploit their users’ data. Data sharing is done in an initial context which is chosen by the users.However, data are used by social networks and third partiesin different contexts which are often not transparent. We propose a new approach which unveils potential effects of data sharing in impactful reallife situations. Focus is put on visual content because of its strong influence in shaping online user profiles.

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What are the main features of Ydsyo ? Let's discover them together

Your data analysis

Get a summary of your data, sorted by risk level. A photo can be interpreted in many ways by the algorithm, rightly or wrongly.

Picture by picture

For each photo, find which objects the algorithm finds in your picture and how it interprets it.

Compare yourself to the other users

Compare the risk represented by your pictures compared to other reference users.